Shamima Ajmal


Springwood grew out of a ground-breaking concept, built on the fact that education is only worthwhile if it is holistic and experiential, taking away rote learning, and putting the child at the centre. Our focus is not just on academics – the Xseed curriculum we follow goes much beyond that, aiming to bring out the best in children. The bigger objective is to raise the next generation with an emphasis on inculcating the right values. We want to bring forth the citizens of tomorrow, who have not only the intellectual capability to tackle modern challenges, but also, significantly, the empathy and sense of responsibility that ultimately makes them human.

We have been successful at carving out our unique path and achieving our objectives regularly, through the combined effort of our visionary management, dedicated teachers, and supportive parents. Most importantly, our tiny tots have always motivated us to do more, to be better and to constantly generate new ideas. The results have been clear for all to see: over the years, the school has brought out smart and confident children who make us all so proud. I have seen by myself the transformation that a child goes through, from their first steps at Springwood to the day they pass out. It only strengthens my conviction that our work is vital and that we can leave no stone unturned. With this novel and sincere approach to shaping the minds of the future, I see Springwood soon becoming the landmark of education in Calicut city.

Amidst all the work, we never forget where we came from and what our mantra is. Every day, we wake up with full awareness of our responsibilities, and our stellar team of teachers have been the embodiment of Springwood’s values. We also know that without the immense support of the management and the parents, we would not be able to achieve any of our goals. It is with this strong bond between us that we have built this shining model of education. We move forward with the hope that its light will always keep glowing.